Friday, April 23, 2021

Mind Your Mom!

Just about every May I sit down to write Homeward Bound; I write about Mom’s Day. And why not… it is a very special day for very special people.

My Mom used to tell me, seemingly repeatedly, to do this and do that, not to do this and not to do that.  ALL, I recall very valuable advice. Looking back on it all these many years later, I can say she was and still is, a very wise woman.
Time reveals, in fact, just about every caring Mother is a Wise Woman. I can see why we carve out a special day each year to acknowledge Moms.  So here is a shout-out to all Mom’s – Happy Mother’s Day!!
My Mother’s Birthday is May 2nd which somehow seems to fall on or very close to Mother’s Day each year.  So, she gets double the hugs and appropriate accolades every May from my 3 brothers and me. 

Unfortunately, My Mom’s Mom is no longer here.  I am sure that makes her very sad this time of year.  I am sure some reading this can relate and have similar stories.  For ALL those whose Mom is no longer with us, may you remember the best about them. In addition to that, there are also many who never knew their Mom due to unfortunate circumstances. I bet someone played that roll in their life and they too deserve a Happy Mother’s Day!
Regardless, we can celebrate this Mother’s Day knowing Moms both here and no longer here are special in more ways than we can count. 


We Love Making Guarantees!

Like our Buyer Satisfaction Guarantee: Love the home, or we’ll buy it back! Or our Seller Guarantee: Your Home Sold or We’ll Buy It! And we guarantee that a portion of our income WILL go to a very worthy cause like Big Dog Ranch Rescue!


James Viscome is on a Mission!

This year, we`d like to give even more! We are on a mission to raise $10,000 for BIG DOG RANCH RESCUE!
For 12 years, Big Dog Ranch Rescue has established itself as The Largest Cage-Free, NO-KILL Dog Rescue in
The United Estates.

Every year the ranch grows and every year we save more lives because of your incredible support. In fact, we have now rescued more than 37,000 dogs and united countless families with their new forever friends. With our growth, we have become a global voice for the protection and proper treatment of dogs. Media coverage of our rescue of Miracle, the dog trapped beneath hurricane debris in the Bahamas, allowed us to spread the word that the Bahamas animals were in desperate need of help to millions of TV, magazine, newspaper, and internet viewers around the globe.


Big Dog Ranch Rescue is Making a Difference Today and for Tomorrow

 You may know someone considering buying or selling a home.  If so, please refer them to our team.  Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, but a very worthy cause will also benefit as well. 
Just give me a call or pass on my number. Thank you for giving this some thought. 
A core value at our company is “the size of the hole you give through is directly proportionate to the size of the hole you receive through.”

As part of our Go Serve Big Mission, we proudly give back to those on our community who need help the most.  In this case, the amazing dogs at Big Dog Ranch Rescue. 
My Mom told me to give all I could, no matter what I was doing. Many years later, I get to repeat it here and do all I can to help you, your referrals and try and help Big Dog Ranch continue their leading-edge care and keep the costs to those families to a minimum. 

Thank you in advance for your referrals!                            
 My number is 561-254-2254.

Over the decades of helping thousands and thousands of families sell or buy the place they call home, we have met so many wonderful, loving, caring people. We are so grateful. Thank you for reading over this month’s Homeward Bound and thank you for referring anyone you know considering buying or selling to my team. They will be in good hands and a very worthy cause will benefit as well.
Go Serve Big!!!
James Viscome
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty!


So When you hear me say “YOUR REFERRALS
HELP THE Dogs…” they really do!   

Refer your friends, neighbors, associates, or family members considering making a move.
  • You can fill out the enclosed response card with someone you know considering a move and mail back to me.
  •  You can pass along our business card to them. I have enclosed a couple here for that purpose.
  • You can go to and enter their contact info online or forward the link to someone you know considering a move. 
  • Of course, you can always call me direct as well at 561-254-2254.

Why I Support Big Dog Ranch Rescue

People have asked me, why did I choose an organization that benefits animals and pet owners when the world is full of so many human beings in dire need? Illness, natural disasters, hunger, homelessness, poverty, lack of potable water - the list goes on and on. Weighing one cause against another is virtually impossible and so it`s not a choice of which charity to give to, but the choice is to just give.
We all must make certain sacrifices in life, and I don`t have the means to end world hunger, house the homeless or cure mankind`s illnesses. I`ve worked hard with long hours, mean customers, inconsiderate clients and time wasted so I wanted to choose a cause that`s local and personal to me, and one which makes me feel like I`m making a difference.

From childhood to the present I`ve experienced the unconditional love of pets and the teachings they provide, and I`ve seen the difference they make in other people`s lives. Research has proven that having a pet increases both well-being and longevity and has a direct influence on your health with low blood pressure and anxiety. Pet therapy programs help train animals to assist the deaf, blind, law enforcement, and hospitals where they have been shown to reduce depression and loneliness helping the elderly, sick kids, police, and our great Veteran.
Animals have no safety net, no voices of their own, and very few rights under the law especially in foreign countries that is until now.
I encourage you to visit their website at and check out how they are making a difference in the lives of dogs!











We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking forward to hearing from you! We will do our best to reply to you within 24 hours !

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